--- title: "Derived variables" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Derived variables} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` ## Introduction _recodeflow_ supports the use of derived variables. Derived variables can be any custom function as long as the variable can be calculated on a per row basis. Functions requiring operations across rows or on the full data set are not supported. The two most common uses for derived variables are: - Variables derived from two or more variables, - Variables that are derived using math equations (e.g., BMI is calculated by dividing weight by the square of height). To create derived variables, you need to complete two steps: 1. Create and load a customized function. 2. Add the derived variable to the variable_details and variables worksheets. ## Example of a derived function We'll walk through an example of creating a derived variable with our example data. Our customized derived function is multiplying the blood concentration of cholesterol (`chol`) with the blood concentration of bilirunbin (`bili`). ### 1. Create and load a customized function for your derived variables. **Create the custom function:** Here is the customized function for our derived variable (`chol`*`bili`): ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} #example_der_fun caluclates chol*bili #@param chol the row value for chol #@param bili the row value for bili #@export example_der_fun <- function(chol, bili){ # as numeric is used to coerce in case categorical numeric variables are used. # Warning either chol or bili being NA will result in NA return example_der <- as.numeric(chol)*as.numeric(bili) return(example_der) } ``` **Note:** You **must** use roxygen2 documentation for custom functions otherwise the function cannot be attached to a package. See [roxygen2](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/roxygen2.html) on how to format and document your function. **Load the custom function** into your R environment. Load the customized function by either: - entering your functions into the console and running the code, or - attaching the functions to your own package using the build and install tool. Then load your package using "library("name of package")" or by using the `rec_with_table` parameter to pass the path to your function R script. If you don't load the customized function you cannot create the derived variable. ### 2. Add the derived variable to the `variable_details` and `variables` worksheets. Add the derived variable to the `variables` worksheet. You'll use the same nomenclature as any other variable. See the article [`variables_sheet`](../articles/variables_worksheet.html) for nomenclature rules. Add the derived variable to the variable_details. See the article [`variable_details`](../articles/variable_details_worksheet.html) for nomenclature rules. ### 3. Recode the derived variable Use the function `rec_with_table` to recode your derived function. 1) Load recodeflow ```{r results= 'hide', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE} #Load the package library(recodeflow) ``` 2) Recode the underlying variables (`chol` and `bili`) and the derived variable (`example_der`). ```{r, warning=FALSE} derived1 <- rec_with_table( data = pbc, variables = c("chol", "bili","example_der"), variable_details = recodeflow::tester_variable_details, database_name = 'tester1', log = TRUE) print(head(derived1)) ```